Happy holidays and happy new year angels! We hope you all had a chance to enjoy time with your loved ones. This season has been a busy one with all of the different festivities happening back to back. This lively energy matches perfectly with that of the busy bee Capricorn!

Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility, authority, and discipline. The symbol for Capricorn is a sea goat, half seahorse and half goat. Capricorns are hard working, goal oriented, and extremely motivated creatures. They have a work hard play hard mentality, as well as a ride or die mentality. These beings are tremendously loyal, responsible, and sensitive. Caring for the ones closest to them, they try to help them to live up to their potential and work hard. It is said that Capricorns are the best business owners!

The New Moon in Capricorn was on December 23rd. In general, Capricorn energy is pushing you to focus on work. During the new moon, you may have begun to evaluate your work life. It could be time to start thinking of obtaining a new position or possibly a new career path. But no need to make any sudden decisions just yet. The power of Capricorn is only trying to help you evaluate this area of your life and see what needs to change, if it even does. The energy is about putting together all that you want for yourself in the new year. Any goals, dreams, and/or intentions you want to put forward. 

January 6th will be the first full moon of 2023! This full moon is known as the Wolf Moon. This moon got its name due to being a time when wolves were heard howling the most during winter. The Wolf Moon will also be in the sign of Cancer. Full moons tend to be a time of heightened emotions and sensitivity, but now it is amplified with the Cancer energy. This can feel overwhelming, but no need to worry. It is the perfect time to connect deeper with yourself and loved ones. Take the time to care for yourself, maybe have a self-care night. Make sure to pick up one of our Rose Quartz Gua Sha to incorporate in your routine. Also take the time to reflect on any relationships/situations that may be troubling you. 

Take the energy of this Capricorn season to get your goals and intentions for the new year in order. The Capricorn energy is guiding you to start the new year off strong and focused on what’s to come. Try keeping a Fluorite cluster nearby as you get everything in order to stay concentrated and on task. Pull out your notebook and colored pens to organize your desires. This is an excellent time to make a vision board and bring your aspirations to life! Or join us next month on February 9th for our guided VISION BOARD WORKSHOP, with a focus on love and couples.. And just a reminder to not be too hard or put too much pressure on the “new year, new me” outlook. It is always the time to be better for yourself.

Finally, help me in wishing our TINY BANDIT Capricorn queen a very special happy birthday! Our founder, creator of magic, Heather. We would not be here without her determination, innovation, and hardwork. Thank you for all that you do. ❤️

With love and gratitude,
