Welcome to the final season of the zodiac! As the zodiac calendar comes to an end, we have the opportunity to utilize and reflect on the lessons we’ve learned over the last year. Each zodiac sign provided us with important teachings that are all coming together now. On that note, let’s close out the zodiac with Pisces season!

Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune and symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisceans are deeply connected to their ruling planet Neptune as they are dreamy, imaginative, and creative beings. They are tremendously emotional and sensitive creatures with humanitarian qualities. Part of their sensitivity is being able to pick up on energies and feelings in their surrounding environments. Pisces love to connect with others emotionally, and do so deeply. They feel most at home in or near any body of water. When they can’t be near the water, these oceanic souls love to wear our Sea Elixir Perfume Oil and Sea Elixir Cloud Mist to get a taste of being home. At times they may withdraw, choosing to be more behind the scenes. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces gathers qualities from all of the other signs. I can attest to ALL of this since I am a Pisces myself!

February 20th was the New Moon in Pisces. This new moon made us feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. Perhaps a deeper connection to our spirituality. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is said to be the most spiritual sign. The moon pushed us to dream big and welcome all possibilities with open arms. 

March 7th was the Worm Full Moon in Virgo. Traditionally, this moon got its name from the time of year when earthworms would emerge from the soil and larvae would come out from thawing tree bark. Being in the sign of Virgo, the full moon energy motivated us to be organized and tidy up our lives (literally and figuratively). Combining the Virgo and Pisces energy, we were encouraged to take this even deeper. To connect with our soul and rid whatever we need to let go of in our lives. Think of it as a spiritual spring cleaning!

Life has been in a nonstop motion for quite some time now, so immerse yourself in the calming Piscean energy to help restore balance in your day to day. Light one of our Sea Elixir Crystal Candles while taking a bubble bath or take a hot yoga class. Do whatever will help you slow down and feel more at peace. Once you’ve reached your zen, take the time to dream big and let your imagination run free. Pisces season is all about allowing yourself to tap into your creativity and have some fun! Also to acknowledge any feelings that may come up for you. Be in touch with your emotions and allow yourself to feel deeply. 

Some exciting news at TINY BANDIT is 3/15/23 we will be featured in GENLUX Magazine (print and online) with an interview with founder Heather Beaudoin. She touches on the journey of getting where we are today and there is also a give back announcement that we partnered with Surfrider Foundation till April 15th where a portion of all our Sea Elixir candle sales go toward keeping our oceans healthy. We will hyper link when that issue drops HERE.

With love and gratitude,


Kianna Koprowski